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  • yersinia - Network vulnerabilities check software


Usage: yersinia [-hVGIDd] [-l logfile] [-c conffile] protocol [protocol_options]
-V Program version.
-h This help screen.
-G Graphical mode (GTK).
-I Interactive mode (ncurses).
-D Daemon mode.
-d Debug.
-l logfile Select logfile.
-c conffile Select config file.
protocol One of the following: cdp, dhcp, dot1q, dot1x, dtp, hsrp, isl, mpls, stp, vtp.
Try 'yersinia protocol -h' to see protocol_options help
Please, see the man page for a full list of options and many examples.
Send your bugs & suggestions to the Yersinia developers <yersinia@yersinia.net>
MOTD: Not one day goes by that I don't ride, 'til the infinite, the horse of my imagination

Install yersinia
sudo apt install yersinia
Remove yersinia
sudo apt remove yersinia

  • libc6 - GNU C Library - Shared libraries
  • libncurses6 - Shared libraries for terminal handling
  • libnet1 - Library for the construction and handling of network packets
  • libpcap0.8t64 - System interface for user-level packet capture
  • libtinfo6 - Shared low-level terminfo library for terminal handling

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