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  • hashrat - Hashing tool supporting several hashes and recursivity


hashrat [options] [path to hash]...
hashrat -c [options] [input file of hashes]...
--help Print this help
-help Print this help
-? Print this help
--version Print program version
-version Print program version
-md5 Use md5 hash algorithm
-sha1 Use sha1 hash algorithm
-sha256 Use sha256 hash algorithm
-sha512 Use sha512 hash algorithm
-whirl Use whirlpool hash algorithm
-whirlpool Use whirlpool hash algorithm
-jh224 Use jh-224 hash algorithm
-jh256 Use jh-256 hash algorithm
-jh384 Use jh-384 hash algorithm
-jh512 Use jh-512 hash algorithm
-hmac HMAC using specified hash algorithm
-8 Encode with octal instead of hex
-10 Encode with decimal instead of hex
-H Encode with UPPERCASE hexadecimal
-HEX Encode with UPPERCASE hexadecimal
-64 Encode with base64 instead of hex
-base64 Encode with base64 instead of hex
-i64 Encode with base64 with rearranged characters
-p64 Encode with base64 with a-z,A-Z and _-, for best compatibility with ´allowed characters´ in websites.
-r64 Encode with base64 with a-z,A-Z and _-, rfc4648 compatible.
-rfc4648 Encode with base64 with a-z,A-Z and _-, rfc4648 compatible.
-x64 Encode with XXencode style base64.
-u64 Encode with UUencode style base64.
-g64 Encode with GEDCOM style base64.
-a85 Encode with ASCII85.
-z85 Encode with ZEROMQ variant of ASCII85.
-t Output hashes in traditional md5sum, shaXsum format
-trad Output hashes in traditional md5sum, shaXsum format
-bsd Output hashes in bsdsum format
-tag Output hashes in bsdsum format
--tag Output hashes in bsdsum format
-r Recurse into directories when hashing files
-hid Show hidden (starting with .) files
-hidden Show hidden (starting with .) files
-f <listfile> Hash files listed in <listfile>
-i <patterns> Only hash items matching a comma-seperated list of shell patterns
-x <patterns> Exclude items matching a comma-sepearted list of shell patterns
-X <file> Exclude items matching shell patters stored in <file>
-name <patterns> Only hash items matching a comma-seperated list of shell patterns (-name aka ´find´)
-mtime <days> Only hash items <days> old. Has the same format as the find command, e.g. -10 is younger than ten days, +10 is older than ten, and 10 is ten days old
-mmin <mins> Only hash items <min> minutes old. Has the same format as the find command, e.g. -10 is younger than ten mins, +10 is older than ten, and 10 is ten mins old
-myear <years> Only hash items <years> old. Has the same format as the find command, e.g. -10 is younger than ten years, +10 is older than ten, and 10 is ten years old
-exec In CHECK or MATCH mode only examine executable files.
-dups Search for duplicate files.
-n <length> Truncate hashes to <length> bytes
-segment <length> Break hash up into segments of <length> chars seperated by ´-´
-c CHECK hashes against list from file (or stdin)
-cf CHECK hashes against list but only show failures
-C <dir> Recursively CHECK directory against list of files on stdin
-Cf <dir> Recursively CHECK directory against list but only show failures
-m MATCH files from a list read from stdin.
-lm Read hashes from stdin, upload them to a memcached server (requires the -memcached option).
-memcached <server> Specify memcached server. (Overrides reading list from stdin if used with -m, -c or -cf).
-mcd <server> Specify memcached server. (Overrides reading list from stdin if used with -m, -c or -cf).
-h <script> Script to run when a file fails CHECK mode, or is found in MATCH mode.
-hook <script> Script to run when a file fails CHECK mode, or is found in FIND mode
-color Use ANSI color codes on output when checking hashes.
-strict Strict mode: when checking, check file mtime, owner, group, and inode as well as it´s hash
-S Strict mode: when checking, check file mtime, owner, group, and inode as well as it´s hash
-d dereference (follow) symlinks
-fs Stay on one file system
-dir DirMode: Read all files in directory and create one hash for them!
-dirmode DirMode: Read all files in directory and create one hash for them!
-devmode DevMode: read from a file EVEN OF IT´S A DEVNODE
-lines Read lines from stdin and hash each line independently.
-rawlines Read lines from stdin and hash each line independently, INCLUDING any trailing whitespace. (This is compatible with ´echo text | md5sum´)
-rl Read lines from stdin and hash each line independently, INCLUDING any trailing whitespace. (This is compatible with ´echo text | md5sum´)
-cgi Run in HTTP CGI mode
-net Treat ´file´ arguments as either ssh or http URLs, and pull files over the network and then hash them (Allows hashing of files on remote machines).
URLs are in the format ssh://[username]:[password]@[host]:[port] or http://[username]:[password]@[host]:[port]..
-idfile <path> Path to an ssh private key file to use to authenticate INSTEAD OF A PASSWORD when pulling files via ssh.
-xattr Use eXtended file ATTRibutes. In hash mode, store hashes in the file attributes, in check mode compare against hashes stored in file attributes.
-txattr Use TRUSTED eXtended file ATTRibutes. In hash mode, store hashes in ´trusted´ file attributes. ´trusted´ attributes can only be read and written by root. Under freebsd this menas SYSTEM attributes.
-attrs comma-separated list of filesystem attribute names to be set to the value of the hash.
-cache Use hashes stored in ´user´ xattr if they´re younger than the mtime of the file. This speeds up outputting hashes.
-u <types> Update. In checking mode, update hashes for the files as you go. <types> is a comma-separated list of things to update, which can be ´xattr´ ´memcached´ or a file name. This will update these targets with the hash that was found at the time of checking.
-hide-input When reading data from stdin in linemode, set the terminal to not echo characters, thus hiding typed input.
-star-input When reading data from stdin in linemode replace characters with stars.
-xsel Update X11 clipboard and primary selections to the current hash. This works using Xterm command sequences. The xterm resource ´allowWindowOps´ must be set to ´true´ for this to work.
Hashrat can also detect if it´s being run under any of the following names (e.g., via symlinks)
md5sum run with ´-trad -md5´
shasum run with ´-trad -sha1´
sha1sum run with ´-trad -sha1´
sha256sum run with ´-trad -sha256´
sha512sum run with ´-trad -sha512´
jh224sum run with ´-trad -jh224´
jh256sum run with ´-trad -jh256´
jh384sum run with ´-trad -jh384´
jh512sum run with ´-trad -jh512´
whirlpoolsum run with ´-trad -whirl´
hashrat.cgi run in web-enabled ´cgi mode´

Install hashrat
sudo apt install hashrat
Remove hashrat
sudo apt remove hashrat

  • libc6 - GNU C Library - Shared libraries

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