- bruteforce-luks - Try to find a password of a LUKS encrypted volume
Usage: bruteforce-luks [options] <path to LUKS volume>
-b <string> Beginning of the password.
default: ""
-e <string> End of the password.
default: ""
-f <file> Read the passwords from a file instead of generating them.
-h Show help and quit.
-l <length> Minimum password length (beginning and end included).
default: 1
-m <length> Maximum password length (beginning and end included).
default: 8
-s <string> Password character set.
-t <n> Number of threads to use.
default: 1
-v <n> Print progress info every n seconds.
-w <file> Restore the state of a previous session if the file exists,
then write the state to the file regularly (~ every minute).
Sending a USR1 signal to a running bruteforce-luks process
makes it print progress info to standard error and continue.
Install bruteforce-luks
sudo apt install bruteforce-luks
Remove bruteforce-luks
sudo apt remove bruteforce-luks