- arduino - AVR development board IDE from Arduino CC
Install arduino
sudo apt install arduino
Remove arduino
sudo apt remove arduino
- arduino-builder - Command line tool for compiling Arduino sketches
- arduino-core-avr - Arduino Core for AVR microcontroller
- avrdude - Software for programming Atmel AVR microcontrollers
- default-jre - Standard Java or Java compatible Runtime
- dpkg-dev - Debian package development tools
- libastylej-jni - Java JNI library for Artistic Style
- libbatik-java - SVG Library
- libbcpg-java - Bouncy Castle generators/processors for OpenPGP
- libbcprov-java - Bouncy Castle Java Cryptographic Service Provider
- libcommons-codec-java - Encoder and decoders such as Base64 and hexadecimal codec
- libcommons-compress-java - Java API for working with compression and archive formats
- libcommons-exec-java - Java library to reliably execute external processes from within the JVM
- libcommons-io-java - Common useful IO related classes
- libcommons-lang3-java - Apache Commons Lang utility classes
- libcommons-logging-java - Common wrapper interface for several logging APIs
- libcommons-net-java - Apache Commons Net - Java client API for basic Internet protocols
- libhttpclient-java - HTTP/1.1 compliant HTTP agent implementation
- libjackson2-annotations-java - Fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- Annotations
- libjackson2-core-java - Fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- Core library
- libjackson2-databind-java - Fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- Data binding
- libjaxp1.3-java - Java XML parser and transformer APIs (DOM, SAX, JAXP, TrAX)
- libjmdns-java - Java implementation of multi-cast DNS (Apple Rendezvous)
- libjna-java - Dynamic access of native libraries from Java without JNI
- libjna-platform-java - Dynamic access of native libraries from Java without JNI
- libjsch-java - Java implementation of the SSH2 protocol
- libjssc-java - Library for working with serial ports from Java
- liblistserialsj-dev - Development files for the listSerials library
- liblog4j2-java - Apache Log4j - Logging Framework for Java
- librsyntaxtextarea-java - Java library for syntax highlighting text component
- librxtx-java - Full Java CommAPI implementation
- libsemver-java - Java implementation of the SemVer Specification
- libslf4j-java - Simple Logging Facade for Java
- libxml-commons-external-java - XML Commons external code - DOM, SAX, and JAXP, etc
- libxmlgraphics-commons-java - Reusable components used by Batik and FOP
- pkexec - Run commands as another user with polkit authorization
- extra-xdg-menus - Extra menu categories for applications under GNOME and KDE