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  • afflib-tools - Advanced Forensics Format Library (utilities)


affcat version 3.7.20
usage: affcat [options] infile [... more infiles]
-s name --- Just output segment name
-p value --- just output data page number
-S value --- Just output data sector (assumes 512-byte sectors). Sector 0 is first
-q --- quiet; don't print to STDERR if a page is skipped
-n --- noisy; tell when pages are skipped.
-l --- List all of the segment names
-L --- List segment names, lengths, and args
-d --- debug. Print the page numbers to stderr as data goes to stdout
-b --- Output BADFALG for bad blocks (default is NULLs)
-v --- Just print the version number and exit.
-r offset:count --- seek to offset and output count characters in each file; may be repeated

Install afflib-tools
sudo apt install afflib-tools
Remove afflib-tools
sudo apt remove afflib-tools

  • xmount - Tool for crossmounting between disk image formats

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